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Generation what? (Génération Quoi?)

Réalisateur(s) : Julie Schroell
Producteur(s) : a_BAHN
Yami2 (FR), Upian (FR), France Télévisinos (FR), RTBF (BE), S4C (UK)
Scénario : Stéphane Hueber-Blies, Marion Guth, Nicolas Blies
Année : 2016
Genre : Transmedia
Version originale : French
Durée : 4 x 45' featuring-documentary & Webexperience

Generation What? is a European transmedia campaign which consists in an online survey aimed at young adults of several countries and a television documentary series about their generation. Starting in April 2016, European broadcasters will appeal to the young adults of their respective countries, through a bi-media campaign spread out over 6 months called “Generation What". This campaign, adapted from a format broadcast in Fall 2013 on France 2 (see Génération Quoi?), met with resounding success.
This is the most highly educated generation that Europe has ever known. This is the generation that is currently attempting to build a new model for society, yet it’s the most marginalized and impoverished generation since the end of WWII. This generation is finally going to be taken seriously.

Équipe de tournage

Sound Engineer: Arnaud Mellet
Production Manager: Djima Gana
Production assistant: Frederic Fischer
Editor: Julie Schroell, Frederic Fischer

Contacts producteurs

Marion Guth

Generation what? (Génération Quoi?)

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