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Globi and the Stolen Shadows

Réalisateur(s) : Takashi Masunaga, Robi Engler
Producteur(s) : IRIS PRODUCTIONS
MotionWorks (DE), Fama Film (CH), Impuls Home Entertainment (CH)
Année : 2001
Type : ANIMATION - Feature film
Genre : Comedy
Version originale : English
Durée : 75'

Teenagers Lucinda and Benji are rock musicians. When the villain, Maestro, steals Benji's shadow, the boy can no longer play a note. Worse, he begins, physically, to fade away. The heroic parrot, Globi, tracks Maestro to a subterranean Gothic opera house, where he discovers that Maestro steals musicians shadows in order to control all the world's music. Globi and his friends must reunite the shadows with their musicians, and so save all the world's music.

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Globi and the Stolen Shadows

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