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We might as well fail

Réalisateur(s) : Govinda Van Maele
Producteur(s) : RED LION
Scénario : Govinda Van Maele
Année : 2011
Type : DOCUMENTARY - Feature film
Version originale : Luxembourgish
Durée : 77'

Four Luxembourgish rock-metal groups, each at a different stage in their musical careers. As inhabitants of the wealthiest country in the world, the bands must come to terms with how much there is to lose when you gamble on "making it big".

Équipe de tournage

Camera: Jean-Louis Schuller
Sound: Marc Thill, Philippe Kohn, Angelo Dos Santos
Editor: Amine Jaber, Govinda Van Maele
Original Score: Pascal Useldinger

Contacts producteurs
We might as well fail

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