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Dreams have a language

Réalisateur(s) : Donato Rotunno, Sylvie Blocher
Scénario : Donato Rotunno et Sylvie Blocher
Année : 2015
Type : DOCUMENTARY - Feature film
Genre : Science Fiction
Version originale : French
Durée : 60'
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The Dreams Have a Language exhibition and installation in MUDAM (Luxembourg) is the starting point for a film, created in collaboration with Luxembourg director Donato Rotunno and french artist Sylvie Blocher. Some meetings, some conversations, some of the stories recounted, some particularly meaningful moments of flight, whether beautiful, intense or fragile, that occurred during the project will be used as raw materials for a joint work of film writing that will result in the shooting of several sequences played by actors. Combining a documentary and fictional writing approach, the film will offer « an assemblage of words, gestures, moments that open up imagination, expectation and suspense ».


Shaun Ross, Michel Tereba, Luc Spada

Équipe de tournage

DOP: Félix Sorger 
Sound: Marc Thill 
Music: Kyan Bayani-Keyvani  
Make up: Meva Zabun 
Set photographer: Julien Becker 
Sound editor: Loïc Collignon

Contacts vendeurs internationaux

Tarantula Distribution 
T +352 26 49 611

Dreams have a language

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